Real Estate


Advika Associates - Real Estates Services

We help you to find your ideal homeBesides being a leading financing service provider, we Advika Associates holds up a huge reputation for being a prime real estate service provider in Coimbatore. We are expertized in offering end to end real estate buying and selling services to the customer across Tamil Nadu.If you are in look of a new home, or want to sell your property, or need funds to buy a property we Advika Associates got you covered. We are housed with a skilled team of experts who carefully analyze your needs and requirements and provide you with services that suit your requirements.

Our list of Real Estate Service

We bring you some of the exclusive plots and are ready to move in home. Advika Associates have associated with some of the best property developers in Tamil Nadu and strives to provide the best property/home suits to your needs.

Finding it hard to sell your property you don't have to worry anymore, We Advika Associates make your property selling easy. No matter its plot or ready to move in homes we got you covered.

Many housing and commercial development projects in India confront the dilemma of a project being halted in the middle due to a lack of money. As a result, we at Advika Associates have designed specific Real Estate Financing options to suit your construction-related demands. Advika Associates offers a wide range of services tailored to the needs of the real estate industry. As a result, Advika Associates' Real Estate Loan service can help you solve all your Real Estate financing challenges.

Why Home Buyers/ Sellers Choose us

Qualified Property Experts

Get help from our team of local specialists who give unique insights into the areas they specialize in!

Verified Property List

Choose from 300+ properties verified by our team of legal and technical experts.

Excellent Support

Sit back and relax, with free help and expertise are available at every stage of the house purchasing process, from site visits to negotiations.

In-Depth Comparisons

Compare and shortlist properties based on preferred location, amenities, EMI, and more.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)