About us

about us

We are one of the leading financial services provider in India.

Established with the mission to make financial products easily accessible to the person when needs financial assistance the most.

We offer a diverse range of loans and mortgages that include housing loans, business loans. gold loans against property and medium & small enterprise financing, microfinance, developer & construction finance, and capital market finance; catering to both retail and corporate clients. Currently, customers can utilize our services anywhere in South India includes Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Pondicherry, Andra Pradesh, and Karnataka.

With our immense experience and full dedication and support of our staff, we ensure to cater loans with attractive interests. Over the past years, we have successfully catered to over 1000+ customers, from various backgrounds and sectors and earned a name to be one of the leading financial service providers in India.


To create a high-performing customer-focused enterprise driven by Trust, Ethics, Transparency, Integrity, and Excellence.


To be a preferred partner for meeting the financial requirements of our customers.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)