
Physician consulting his patient at clinic


We Advika Associates is one of the foremost insurance consultant in Coimbatore specialized in offering a wide range of unique and secure loan schemes for your loved ones, valuable possessions, and business. We have associated with some of the leading insurance scheme providers such as ICICI, MAX life, Star health insurance, and have catered to many customers across Tamil Nadu.
We go extra mile to understand your unique business needs, the risk involved in your business, resolving problems, and recommend you with insurance that covers your operation at all angles.
Our Services

We offer insurance schemes from some of the renowned service providers like MAX life, ICICI, Star Health, UIIC, and more.

Health Insurance

Home Insurance

Motor Insurance

Travel Insurance

Corporate Insurance

Fire Insurance

Why Choose Us

Best insurance policy

We have associated with a renowned insurance company and strive to provide you with the best policy that suits your requirement.


We will always provide you with independent and impartial advice.

Personalized Attention

We will always make your experience a positive and personable one.
Why do you need Insurance?
  • Insurance provides a sense of security against the risk and uncertainty
  • It enables a sense of confidence even when the insured is away from the property
  • Provide financial security, the Insurance policy can be mortgaged and funds raise in case of financial requirement.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)