
Investment opportunity
Advika Associates - Trusted by three generations of depositors

Invest your property and get a high return

Looking for a secondary income? Maximize your income by investing your property on Advika associate and earn interest monthly/yearly. We offer aggressive investment opportunities that bring an excellent rate of return to our investors.  We offer sizable returns on various sizes of investment in the minimum amounts of 1 lakhs to the maximum.


Low Minimum Investment

We offer Low minimum investment threshold for investors from 1 Lakhs - The maximum amount.

Fixed Interest Rate

We offer a fixed interest rate of 1- 2 rupees per month based on the invested amount. Investors can opt to choose interest monthly or yearly.


Nearly, ⅓ amount worth of property will be registered to the investors upon investment.

Flexible Investment plans

We offer flexible investment as per investor's requirements. Our plans vary from 1 year, 2 years, 6 years, and 12 years.

To find out more about investment opportunities, please contact us to become an Investor

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)